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Practical Wisdom from Kahle Way Sales Systems

We apply 30 years of practical experience to help sales people sell better, and sales leaders lead better. 

Feb 25, 2021

It’s a common mindset.  The field salesperson wants every communication with the customer to go through him/her.  However, that idea costs both the company and the sale person dearly and frustrates the customers.  It is an insidious hindrance to sales performance.

Feb 18, 2021

Occasionally, at a seminar or training program, I’ll overhear one sales person mention this to another -- “I have my own style of selling.”

          From my perspective, that idea is more detrimental to that sales person’s

success than almost any other.  Not only that, but that idea holds down entire sales...

Feb 11, 2021

Here are two questions about tricky customer issues that I respond to in this podcast: 

  1. If you dropped the ball with a customer, how can you redeem their trust again?
  2. How do you know how far to push a sale without overstepping your bounds and threatening the sale and/or the relationship with the customer?

Consider the...

Feb 4, 2021

Over my career as a salesperson, I sold a variety of products in a variety of selling situations.  From suits and sport coats in a retail men’s store, to capital equipment to schools, to surgical staplers to surgeons in the operating room, to 70,000 line items for a wholesale distributor.  I always did well, and...