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Practical Wisdom from Kahle Way Sales Systems

We apply 30 years of practical experience to help sales people sell better, and sales leaders lead better. 

Dec 29, 2022

Sales productivity may be a new concept for many sales executives.  “Sales” is easy to understand, and “productivity” is pretty clear, but when those two words are combined the combination becomes a bit vague.

What exactly is sales productivity, and why should you be concerned about it?

Kahle's Kalculation --...

Dec 22, 2022

Great business leaders invariably exhibit the same qualities of character. In this first of series, I look at the qualities of character that mark great leaders, with a deep dive into the first:  An unshakeable work ethic. Let’s unpack that.

The Xi Community.  Learn More...

Dec 15, 2022

In this sixth of a series on the character traits of successful business leaders, I identify one that might be surprising.  It is, however, incredibly powerful – humility. Humility is often misunderstood.  In this podcast, I describe it, and show how it is a powerful leadership trait.

Dec 8, 2022

The best business leaders have acquired a similar set of skills.  Without this set of character traits, it is difficult to lead a growing organization.  In this series, I uncover a key set of character traits for great business leaders.  This is number four – Unwavering self-control.

The XI Community.  Learn More...

Dec 1, 2022

Listen to my response to this question:

Our “A” customers do 90% of our business.  How much time or effort would you put into your “B” customers to bring them up to “A” customers?

The answer will surprise you.

The Kahle Way B2B...