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Practical Wisdom from Kahle Way Sales Systems

We apply 30 years of practical experience to help sales people sell better, and sales leaders lead better. 

Jul 17, 2017

This is the information age.  A professional sales person today must have systems to manage information effectively, or he/she will be swept away in the tidal wave of information that sweeps over him every day. 

Jul 11, 2017

Back orders!  You spend all this time, put you credibility on the line, and your company doesn't ship the order.  Here's how to handle this recurring, and difficult, situation.

Jul 6, 2017

This introduces the MASTER SALES professional development program.  

Jul 3, 2017

"This is going to be tricky."  That's what I thought about integrating my Christian faith with my new position as a professional sales person. Decades later, I think I have it figured out.  Join me as we explore this important question.