Oct 31, 2017
No business becomes successful until they create, implement, and continually refine a powerful sales system. Every other complex work, if it is repeated, eventually becomes systematic. So, too, for sales. Learn how that concept can unleash the potential in your practice/business.
Oct 18, 2017
Every sales person has run into this countless times. The customer is 'happy with the current supplier.' Why change if there aren't any problems? Is there a strategy for this mindset? Absolutely. Listen as we articulate an effective response.
Oct 11, 2017
Do you receive business calls from your customers at home, at night? Then you should hear what Dave has to say about it.
Oct 11, 2017
Every Christian business person has wondered about how God works in the business. How much does he do and how much does he expect us to do? Here's a thoughtful, scriptural based answer.