Sep 17, 2024
Snippets are powerful tools for a professional salesperson. You can use them in multiple places in the sales process, improving every piece. This article examines the what’s how’s and why’s of using snippets.
Dave Kahle’s goal is to provide sales leaders and small businesspeople with practical actionable...
Mar 28, 2024
I call it FIP. Fine in the Past. It refers to all the sales and marketing efforts, ideas, policies, principles, techniques, and strategies that worked well in the past, but are no longer effective. The past is everything that’s pre-2018.
I still recall a poignant moment with an attendee at one of my seminars. ...
Oct 27, 2023
Work with a lot of people, and you have many opportunities to be unethical. Work with a lot of money and the same is true. Put those together, and you have the world of the professional salesperson. Here are ten commandments to help keep you on the straight and narrow.
Check out the
Dec 8, 2022
The best business leaders have acquired a similar set of skills. Without this set of character traits, it is difficult to lead a growing organization. In this series, I uncover a key set of character traits for great business leaders. This is number four – Unwavering self-control.
The XI Community. Learn More...
Dec 1, 2022
Listen to my response to this question:
Our “A” customers do 90% of our business. How much time or effort would you put into your “B” customers to bring them up to “A” customers?
The answer will surprise you.