Jun 29, 2023
One of the most common complaints I hear from my clients is this: “I can’t seem to motivate the sales people to call on prospects and develop them into new customers.”
There is a relatively simple, fun and inexpensive way to remedy this situation. It’s called a sales blitz. Unfortunately, few...
Jun 22, 2023
Growing your sales is a goal for almost every business. The challenge is so great, however, that it spawns lots of mis-guided methods. Here are the four most common mistakes sales leaders make from a consultant who has worked with hundreds of them.
Jun 15, 2023
: “Can you boil down your advice to one word?”
That’s what a seminar participant asked me. “No,” I said, “but I can boil it down to three: Focus, focus, focus.” I said that because I see ‘focus’ as the solution to a number of modern
Jun 8, 2023
Whether you are a small businessperson or a professional salesperson, you can utilize a powerful strategy to take your performance to dramatically higher levels -- leverage. Leverage revolves around the idea of multiplying the effects of some effort to gain more value from it. Leverage will take you to a higher...
Jun 1, 2023
In recent years I’ve seen a deeper degradation in the learning potential of the work force fueled by a growing inability to concentrate. I’m afraid that much of the adult population in this country has become so conditioned to sound bites, texts and tweets that they have lost the discipline to “do the work.”...