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Practical Wisdom from Kahle Way Sales Systems

We apply 30 years of practical experience to help sales people sell better, and sales leaders lead better. 

Aug 25, 2022

Join with me to examine a couple more of that series of words that a significant percentage of the population would rather not hear – humility and commitment.

The Sales Leader's Excellence & Influence...

Aug 18, 2022

Throughout the history of mankind, successful people have been disciplined people.  At some point in their development, they have discovered the power that lies in discipline.  And they chose, with an act of willfulness and intentionality, to pursue disciplines. As a result, they rise above the pack on the basis of the...

Aug 11, 2022

Higher character has been recognized, across generations and cultures, as one of the ideal qualifications for positions of leadership. Until recently. We’ve discarded the idea of higher character, and are paying the price.

The Sales Leader's Excellence & Influence...

Aug 4, 2022

The calls for "lower price" are becoming more frequent and frantic in this age of inflation.  How should you handle them?  Listen as I respond to three questions concerning lower prices.  You may gain a perspective you've never had before.

The Sales Leader's Excellence and Influence...