Mar 26, 2020
"Your price is too high!” The infamous price objection. Wouldn’t it be great if we could somehow wipe it out and never hear it again?
Unfortunately, that will never happen. Too many of the people with whom we deal are paid to get the best deal they can. And that means asking for a better price, even...
Mar 24, 2020
I was young, cocky and a bit full of myself when I had one of the most humbling experiences of my life, and learned a lesson that has stuck with me for decades. Personal responsibility is easy to say, but quite a bit more difficult to actually embed into your life.
Mar 19, 2020
Should a salesperson invest in his/her own development? If so, how much time and how much money. I respond to those questions in this episode.
Mar 17, 2020
“Is there one business model that you would recommend to a budding entrepreneur?”
That was the question a young man asked me recently. I reflected for a moment over the past 25 years, and answered this way:
“No. I’ve worked with over 500 businesses, and in that pack, there were lots of different business...
Mar 12, 2020
If there is only one practice within the scope of the professional sales person upon which you can focus, let it be to gain mastery in asking better sales questions. A series of better sales questions provides you leverage and a competitive edge at every stage of the sales process.