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Practical Wisdom from Kahle Way Sales Systems

We apply 30 years of practical experience to help sales people sell better, and sales leaders lead better. 

Dec 31, 2019

The best business leaders have acquired a similar set of skills.  Without this set of character traits, it is difficult to lead a growing organization.  In this series, I uncover a key set of character traits for great business leaders.  This is number four – Unwavering self-control.

Dec 26, 2019

The sales profession is replete with myths that salespeople tell themselves, and then believe, that hinder their performance.  This is the first of series on these myths.  In this piece, we look at the idea that “I have great relationships with my customers.”

Dec 19, 2019

We’ve all seen the contestants on American Idol – some of which are horribly self-deluded.  They think they have talent when they don’t.  Unfortunately, that trait of self-delusion is common among more than American Idol contestants.  Join with me as I dig into this issue and see to what degree you may...

Dec 19, 2019

Great leaders have a number of character traits in common. This is the third in a series of articles dealing with the set of character traits that great business leaders exhibit – A continuous quest for MORE.


Dec 12, 2019

In this session, I respond to two questions from salespeople:  One has to do with the idea of 'finesse' and the other on methods to insure that you get the 'last look.'  My advise may not be what you were expecting.